Njemačka glumica: Otvoreno pismo Angeli Merkel

Vrijeme:4 min, 49 sec


Autor: Silvana Heissenberg

18 rujna 2019


S engl. prevela prof. Kornelija Pejčinović

Vi ste najpodlija i najkriminalnija kancelarka koju je njemački narod ikada izdržavao. Donijeli ste njemačkom narodu teror, rat, siromaštvo i smrt.  Nezakonito i namjerno dovodeći ilegalne migrante u našu zemlju, stotine tisuća plaćenika, terorista i kriminalaca druge vrste.

Prema članku 16 Ustava nijedan, koji dolazi iz sigurnih država, nema pravo na azil u Njemačkoj. To je razlog zbog kojega su Vaši gosti ilegalni kriminalci u Njemačkoj. Schengenski i Dublinski ugovori su bili promišljeno nelegalni. U prisezi Vi ste prisegli, između ostalog, da ćete Njemačku čuvati, da ćete njemački narod čuvati od opasnosti, ali Vi svakodnevno radite posve suprotno.

Vi niste dobili mandat da brinete brige građana nego da se brinte za dobro njemačkog naroda. Briga za dobro njemačkog naroda je Vaš jedini mandat. Vi niste ništa drugo nego službenica njemačkog naroda,  jer moć pripada njemačkom narodu, a ne Vama.

Vi ste svjesno potpalili čitavu naciju jedne protiv drugih, unijeli ste razdor i razorili cijele obitelji. I to činite neprekidno ponavljajući laž da je Nijemcima bolje nego ikad!

Zbog Vaših ilegalnih gostiju svi javni događaji se moraju jako osiguravati  postavljanjem ograda i straže naoružane automatskim oružjem. Nema zaštitnih zona u kojima bi žene mogle tražiti zaštitu da ne bi postale žrtva seksualnog nasilja koje čine Vaši gosti. Svakodnevno Vaši gosti počinjaju nečuvena nasilja.

Siromaštvo starijih i djece je veće nego ikada. Gotovo milijun Nijemaca živi na ulicama. Vaš mandat je pomoći tim ljudima, a ne poplaviti Europu hordama iz drugih kultura i  hraniti ih milijardama, koje uplaćuje njemački poreski obveznici. I još tražite da Vam se iskazuje poštovanje?

Vaši gosti, najvećim brojem kriminalci, koji siluju i ubijaju u Njemačkoj su još pod zaštitom, obranom – glavnih medija i policije – koji žrtve imigranata predstavljaju kao žrtve  desničarskih ekstremista. Ako biste istinski tražili poštovanje i imali savjesti trebali biste za svoje zločine odgovarati na sudu.

Ako Vas ne posjeti pravda posjetit će vas narod, jer moć isključivo pripada narodu i njemački narod je Vaš poslodavac. Vi ste nitko. Nijedan kancelar nije nikada njemačkom narodu prouzročio toliko štete i patnje.

U budućnosti ja želim samo jednu stvar: Da Vi i svi Vaši budete jednom izvedeni pred pravdu za sva kršenja zakona, i da Vi i Vaše  kohorte završite u doživotnom zatvoru. Tako strašna izdaja narodnog suvereniteta nikada se nije dogodila u njemačkoj povijesti.

Plaćeni komentatori i licemjeri ližu Vam još uvijek stražnjicu nesposobni da progledaju i misle svojom vlastitom glavom. Nijedan ozbiljan čovjek im ne može vjerovati. Ja Vas duboko prezirem i želim Vam kaznu koju zaslužujete. S velikim prijezirom spram Vas i Vaše STASI-horde, bivša glumica,



You are the most despicable and criminal Chancellor the German people have ever had to endure. You brought the German people terror, war, poverty and death by deliberately and illegally importing illegal migrants into the country, hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, terrorists and other die-hard criminals.

According to article 16 of the constitution, not one of those who arrive through safe countries has the right of asylum in Germany. That is why all your guests are illegal criminals in Germany. The Schengen and Dublin agreements were also deliberately illegal. In the vow you have sworn, among other things, to keep harmful things away from the German people, but you do, every day, exactly the opposite.

You have no mandate to deal with the needs of all citizens, but only for the good of the German people, this alone was your mandate. You are nothing but an employee of the German people, for the power belongs to the people, and not you.

You consciously incited the entire nation against each other, split it and destroyed entire families. And you cap it all by insolently repeating the lie that we Germans are doing better than ever?

Due to your illegal guests, all public events must now be massively secured, surrounded by fences and guards armed with automatic weapons. There are now protection areas for women who seek protection so that they will hopefully not fall victim to sexual abuse committed by your guests. Every day your guests commit crimes of shocking violence.

Poverty among our elders and children is higher than ever. Almost a million Germans live on the streets. Helping these people, this was your mandate, and not flooding all of Europe with invaders from other cultures and feeding them with billions of hard tax taxes. Are you asking for respect?

Your invaders, mostly criminals, who rape and kill in Germany, are then taken under your defense (and mainstream media / police) and portrayed as victims of “Right-wingers”. If you really wanted respect and possess a conscience, you would answer for your crimes before a court.

If justice does not visit you the people will because power belongs exclusively to the people, and the German people are your employers.  You are nobody. No Chancellor has ever intentionally caused the German people so much harm and suffering.

For the future, I only want one thing: that you and your entire entourage be brought before a court of justice for all the law violations and you and your cohorts go to prison for at least for life. Such a high betrayal of the sovereign people never existed in the history of Germany.

Paid commentators and hypocrites who still lick your rear, unable to think clearly and with their own mind, can refrain from any other adulation of you, for no reasonable man take such people seriously. I despise you deeply and wish you the punishment you deserve.  With much contempt, thanks to your Stasi platoon – former actress, Silvana Heißenberg.


Silvana Heissenberg/THE ETHNIC-EUROPEAN/ /Hrvatsko nebo


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